The country's civil defense minister, Karl-Oskar Bohlin, said staffing must be respected so that specialists of "social importance" can work even in the event of "high alert and war."

In early January, the Commander-in-Chief of the Swedish Armed Forces, Mikael Büden, and the country's Minister of Civil Defense, Karl-Oskar Bulin, called on citizens to prepare for a possible war.

At the same time, Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson called the country's reactions to the warning about the possibility of war and the need to prepare for it excessive.

According to him, “nothing now suggests that war is on the horizon.”

The Russian Embassy called on the Swedish authorities to stop driving their own population to paranoia.

Finnish Prime Minister Petteri Orpo said that Russia does not pose a threat to Finland, and the Finns “sleep peacefully at night.”