China News Service, Beijing, January 18 (Zhu He) Talking about the results of the two elections in Taiwan, Li Zhenghong, president of the National Taiwan Compatriots Investment Enterprise Association, called on Lai Qingde to adjust cross-strait policies and promote cross-strait economy and trade in an interview with China News Service on the 18th. Restore close communication.

  Analyzing the election situation, Li Zhenghong said that although Lai Qingde received the highest vote rate among the candidates, it did not mean that he received the majority of public support.

Sixty percent of voters "voted no" to the DPP, indicating that the "achievements" of the DPP authorities in the past eight years are not recognized by the majority of the people.

In Taiwan's legislative body, the Democratic Progressive Party did not win more than half of the seats, making Lai Ching-te a "weak" leader.

He hopes that the Democratic Progressive Party will review this and correct its past incorrect and inappropriate practices, especially to readjust cross-strait policies.

  Taking the Cross-Strait Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) as an example, Li Zhenghong pointed out that the DPP authorities first set up trade barriers for mainland products, and then failed to properly handle them after the mainland suspended tariff reductions for some ECFA products. Incompetent governance and ineffective communication.

  Li Zhenghong said that Taiwan's dependence on mainland trade remains high. Many parts and components are exported to the mainland and then exported to Europe and the United States, achieving complementary economic and trade advantages and strong integration between the two sides.

Now we cannot rule out the possibility that ECFA will be terminated. By then, Taiwan's products will be less competitive and their advantages will no longer be there, and it is very likely that Korean or Japanese suppliers will seize business opportunities.

He called on Lai Qingde to improve cross-Strait relations on the basis of recognizing the "1992 Consensus" and promote the resumption of close economic and trade exchanges between the two sides.

  "Compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait are brothers, and getting closer will be conducive to each other's development." Li Zhenghong emphasized that only close exchanges and cooperation can be a blessing to the people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait.

In recent years, the DPP has restricted exchanges in the name of the COVID-19 epidemic and "anti-China", blocked cross-strait family ties and cultural exchanges, and sacrificed the rights and interests of the Taiwanese people and Taiwanese businessmen for political selfishness. "This is a very bad thing."

  Li Zhenghong said that the National Federation of Taiwan Enterprises will continue to do a good job in serving Taiwanese businessmen, promoting cross-strait exchanges, and doing its best to contribute to enhancing cross-strait interaction.
