Europa Press

Updated Friday, January 19, 2024-09:15

A man has died and two women have been taken to a hospital after a fire in the early hours of this Friday in a house on

Salamanca street in Valencia.

At 3:30 a.m., this fire was alerted in a property located in the district of L'Eixample, reports the Emergency Information and Coordination Center (CICU).

Two SAMU units have traveled to the scene, one Basic Life Support (BLS) and a conventional ambulance.

Medical services have found

a man and a woman in cardiorespiratory arrest.

The SAMU medical teams have performed advanced cardiopulmonary resuscitation and other advanced life support techniques.

The man has not responded to resuscitation and his death has been confirmed.

For her part, the woman has recovered her vital signs and, once stabilized, has been evacuated due to cardiac arrest recovered to the La Fe Hospital in Valencia in one of the SAMU ambulances.

The age of these two people is unknown.

As a result of this fire , a 92-year-old woman

was also treated for

smoke inhalation and was taken to the Doctor Peset Hospital in Valencia in the conventional ambulance.