A third of Swedes have had difficulty paying running costs in the past twelve months.

This is shown by a survey carried out on behalf of the Financial Supervisory Authority in collaboration with the Public Health Authority.

According to Magnus Hjelmér, one reason for this could be the last year's sky-high inflation and high interest rates.

- You can influence your costs.

But external factors can make people feel that the economy is out of their control, he says.

According to the Financial Supervisory Authority, those with lower incomes have poorer self-confidence, knowledge and interest in personal finance.

To ignite your personal finance spark, it can help to liken saving to exercise.

And not least to reward their successes, says Magnus Hjelmér.

- Since economics is still a relatively new concept, people find it difficult to make rational decisions.

If you want to think that personal finance is fun and interesting, we have to trick your brain into it, he says.