An increased cost for households of approximately SEK 100,000 from 2021 to 2023 – that's what the regional manager at the Chamber of Commerce in Uppsala, Tomas Stavbom, said about autumn 2022.

And so it became.

Now Tomas can state that a cost increase of SEK 110,000 became a reality for the families.

- We looked, among other things, at electricity costs, inflation and eventually also the interest rate, says Tomas Stavbom about how they calculated.

See his fall 2022 calculation that turned out to be true here.

A brighter future

But now it's turning around.

Based on figures from Länsförsäkringar, the Chamber of Commerce is now more positive about the economic future than before.

- This means a better situation than the complete rush that has been and you will have better control over your own finances, says Tomas Stavbom and continues:

- But times are still tough for many and the reduced price increase will eat up the entire wage increase in 2024.

Exactly how much will costs increase in 2024?

See the answer in the clip above.

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When inflation hit, Carola Wetterholm was one of those who was severely affected.

Hear her talk about the family finances in the video.

Photo: Frida Wallin Nilsson