Commander-in-Chief Micael Bydén owns all the shares in the company Byden Ops AB, while Linda Staaf, who was previously head of the police's national department NOA, is a deputy on the board.

The company shall engage in consulting activities within strategic environmental analysis, business development and leadership.

- He plans for the future and has started the company, but has not started any operations.

He does not intend to do that until his appointment expires in September, says the Swedish Armed Forces' press director Therese Fagerstedt to Expressen.

The expert: Can be a trust-damaging side job

Tommy Iseskog, lawyer and labor law expert, believes that ÖB's corporate involvement can already be a trust-damaging sideline.

This means that it could cause citizens' trust in the Armed Forces to be negatively affected - even if Bydén has not intended to run the business until his decree expires.

- It takes thinking and commitment to start a company, and he has obviously devoted himself to that.

It is in itself, in my assessment, a side job that can very well be described as damaging to trust, says Iseskog to SVT Nyheter.

SVT Nyheter is looking for the Armed Forces and Micael Bydén.