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Lars Klingbeil, SPD party leader

“Don’t take people for fools.”

Britta Haßelmann, parliamentary group leader of the Greens

“They are fascists!”

Bernd Baumann, Parliamentary Managing Director AfD

“Something new is coming for Germany, the AfD is coming for Germany – whether you want it or not!”

Current hour in the Bundestag: The focus is on the AfD.

The medium “Correctiv” had previously reported on a secret meeting attended by right-wing extremist ideologists and influential AfD officials.

Apparently it was also about radical deportation plans for people with a migration background.

Britta Haßelmann, parliamentary group leader of the Greens

»Ladies and gentlemen, how much contempt, how much misanthropy and also what danger comes from this group in parliament, ladies and gentlemen!

People who talk like that, who plan like that, are not democrats.

They call themselves patriots.

They violate our constitution and our legal system and they despise our democratic, diverse, human face.

They’re fascists!”

The AfD, for its part, went on the offensive.

Bernd Baumann, Parliamentary Managing Director AfD

»And this remigration is not against the law or the constitution.

It is the enforcement of law and the constitution.

We are them, we are the defenders of the rule of law and you are their opponents!”

Union politicians also highlighted the threat from the far right, but at the same time criticized the traffic light government.

Thorsten Frei, Parliamentary Secretary CDU/CSU

»And that's why you have to say it's a big danger, you can't underestimate it, you have to address it clearly.

But our state institutions are strong enough to ward off such attacks.”

Philipp Amthor, CDU member of the Bundestag

»The most effective means against the enemies of democracy are not repression, bans and other things.

The most effective means of maintaining a robust democracy are better arguments, good politics and good governance.

That’s what’s needed in this country.”

From the perspective of the government factions, “business as usual” against the AfD is not a solution.

Britta Haßelmann, parliamentary group leader of the Greens

“No democrat can remain silent about this, ladies and gentlemen.

And the bad thing is: these people in the AfD are also sitting here in the room.

You sit in this parliament.

You are democratically elected, but you are not democrats, ladies and gentlemen.

Konstantin Kuhle, FDP member of the Bundestag

"We are all in the same boat as democratic parties and we have to get this done together."

Lars Klingbeil, SPD party leader

»The Basic Law and the people who support it are stronger than the enemies of democracy.

There is no need for alternatives to the Basic Law, there is no need for alternatives to democracy, there are no need for alternatives to freedom.

There is no need for an alternative to the sentence that is anchored in the Basic Law.

Human dignity is inviolable.

There is no need for an alternative for Germany, dear colleagues.”

On Friday, thousands of people across Germany want to take to the streets again against the AfD - the largest protest action is expected in Hamburg.