■ Observers

On the premise of not affecting the valid proof, if it can better protect personal privacy, it is also a humanized service.

According to reports, recently, some netizens left a message on the "leadership message board" of People's Daily Online: After remarriage, when they went to the police station to change their marriage status, they were changed to "remarriage". In the future, many places will use the household registration book, which is very embarrassing. On 1 January, the Internet Publicity and Management Office of Liling City, Hunan Province, replied that if the parties are indeed remarried, their household registration information should be registered as "remarriage" in accordance with the principle of seeking truth from facts.

"Remarriage" and "married" are only one word different from each other in the household register, and they are both married in terms of the nature of marriage, but judging from the information revealed literally, it is obvious that "remarriage" is more detailed than "married", which not only increases the risk of privacy exposure, but also bears the ensuing strange eyes, which are probably the reasons for this netizen's embarrassment.

Moreover, there are not a few people who feel the same way, and there are netizens in many places who have reported similar problems, but the way the public security organs deal with them differently in different places. Generally speaking, it can be roughly divided into three categories: some insist on registration as "remarriage"; some localities will handle applications for change as appropriate according to the facts; and some places such as Wuhan have indicated that those who fill in the marital status in the household registration book as "first marriage, remarriage, and remarriage" can go to the police station in the place of household registration and change it to "married".

China's household registration regulations are mostly principled provisions, and "remarriage" is a detailed option in the "married" option, which the public security organs can choose when registering in the household register. Due to the lack of unified norms at present, the operation of various localities in practice is different, which will also affect the seriousness of household registration to a certain extent. In the current social context of paying more attention to personal privacy, the relevant departments may wish to unify and regulate as soon as possible.

The data shows that the number of remarriages in China is increasing year by year, and how to reverse social prejudice in this regard is particularly important. The difference of one word in the household registration book points to the refinement of public services, which not only protects the privacy of remarried people, but also invisibly changes the traditional concept of marriage - remarriage is no different from first marriage, and it is not inferior.

In fact, from a legal point of view, remarriage enjoys the same rights and interests as the first marriage, whether it is marriage leave or maternity leave, there will be no difference due to remarriage. In reality, in scenarios such as real estate change procedures and children's school registration, it is necessary to show the household registration booklet for the purpose of verifying the marital status, and there is no difference whether the person handling the case is a first marriage or a remarriage.

It is the responsibility and obligation of citizens to truthfully register and change the marital status in the household register. This is mainly to ensure the accuracy of the household registration information, so that it can be correctly and effectively certified when dealing with matters involving personal identity and marital status. On the premise of not affecting this purpose, if personal privacy can be better protected, it is also a humanized service.

The practice of Wuhan and other places is a good balance between the management of household registration and the protection of personal privacy. When the local public security organ enters it into the system, it fills in according to the actual situation of the citizen, but when it issues the household registration booklet, it is printed as "married". In this way, it is possible to ensure that the public security organs have a detailed grasp of the situation, and at the same time fully take into account the feelings of those who have remarried.

In addition, the public security organs in some areas have gone one step further and changed from passive to active update, and through the "data sharing" mechanism, the marital status information of the public security population management system in the jurisdiction has been automatically updated in real time, and the parties do not even have to go to the police station again. It is foreseeable that in the future, the large-scale application of electronic ID cards and electronic household registration books is not far away, and public services such as household registration will inevitably pay more attention to humanization and convenience.

□ Yiran (Media Person)

Source: Beijing News