Trump won easy victory in Iowa primaries

US President Joe Biden said that the easy victory achieved by his predecessor Donald Trump in the primary elections in Iowa on Monday evening makes him "clearly the favorite" to obtain the Republican nomination to compete in the presidential elections scheduled for next November.

In a post on his X account calling on supporters to donate to his campaign, Biden said: "Donald Trump seems to have just won in Iowa, he's clearly the frontrunner on the other side at this point."

Biden issued an invitation to American voters, saying, "The election will always be you and me versus the radical Republicans."

Former US President Donald Trump won a resounding victory in Iowa in the Republican Party's first presidential nominee this year, and asserted his dominance over the party as he seeks a third consecutive nomination and another confrontation with Democratic President Joe Biden.

With nearly 90 percent of the votes counted, Trump received 50.9 percent, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis 21.4 percent and former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley 19.0 percent, with the latter two vying to emerge as Trump's main replacement.

Businessman Vivek Ramaswamy ended his presidential campaign with just under 8 percent of the vote, declaring in a speech to supporters his support for Trump.

Trump was on the verge of winning by an unprecedented margin in the Republican Party contest in Iowa, bolstering his argument that his candidacy is a foregone conclusion given his massive lead in national polls despite facing 4 criminal indictments.

In a speech to a crowd of supporters in Des Moines, the capital of the Midwestern state, the billionaire, known for his often offensive speeches, said: "I think it's time for everyone for our country to unite. , whether Republicans, Democrats, liberals or conservatives."

He wrote on his social media platform Truth Social: "Thank you, Iowa, I love you all."

Source: Agencies