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Video Duration 06 minutes 08 seconds 06:08

JERUSALEM – Despite being about 100 kilometers away, Maysoon Jabarin, a Palestinian from the city of Kafr Qara, north of the 48 territories, has been visiting Al-Aqsa Mosque for many years, and says she cannot bear to be cut off from it.

Al-Quds page, Al-Jazeera Net website, accompanied um Muhammad from the moment she arrived in Jerusalem and then Al-Aqsa Mosque, where she loves and feels safe.

Um Muhammad spoke about the secrets of her attachment to the place, the great happiness she feels in its spaciousness, as well as her sense of security despite the restrictions surrounding the mosque.

Um Muhammad says that she did not pray inside the mosque without being answered, but adds that she feels a blessing in areas of her life, and the most difficult moment for her is when leaving the mosque to return home.

Um Muhammad describes al-Aqsa as "oxygen, and a medicine for every patient," addressing all Palestinians, "Come to Al-Aqsa, travel to it, not for laziness or fear, here is the cure for every patient, here is healing."

"We are below Al-Aqsa worth nothing, Al-Aqsa is in our blood (...) Each of us asks himself, what did he offer to Al-Aqsa?"

Um Muhammad indicates that she is preparing to perform Umrah and visit Medina and Mecca with her heart attached to the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Source : Al Jazeera