The first selection of the Beijing high school entrance examination was launched after the reform of sports

Volleyball, fitness and other projects are favored by candidates Physical education teachers recommend choosing the right program according to their own conditions

From January 1th to 15th, the on-site physical education test of the Beijing High School Entrance Examination was changed from "17 out of 8" to "3 out of 22", and the first selection was ushered in. How should students choose the programs that suit them? Which selection items are more favored? How should they improve their grades after the selection examination? With these questions in mind, yesterday, a reporter from Beijing Youth Daily visited Beijing No. 4 Middle School and listened to the physical education teacher's "recruitment" for the selection examination.

Volleyball, fitness and other events are favored

On the first day of the selection test, more than 10 people from 400 classes in the third year of Beijing No. 56 Middle School were selecting projects in order. Tang Wenxuan chose rope skipping, basketball and fitness boxing. He told a reporter from Beiqing Daily that in addition to basketball, he has a certain foundation, and the other two are projects that he thinks are more suitable for him and easy to score points. Hu Xinyu had studied table tennis for three or four years in primary school and had a certain foundation, so he chose table tennis, "The scoring criterion is to alternate <> times with forehand and backhand, which is easier for me. ”

Compared with Hu Xinyu, who has a foundation in ball games, her classmate Jiang Xiaojing chose volleyball. "I don't have a lot of experience with ball games, but through training at school, I think volleyball is relatively easy, and it's very fun to train with my classmates. A reporter from Beiqing Daily learned that in No. 166 Middle School, most of the students chose volleyball and fitness changquan projects.

Liu Jingli, head of the physical education teaching and research team of Beijing No. 10 Middle School, said that according to the scoring standards in several ball games, students think that volleyball is relatively easy, and they can better master the skills and score points through practice, so there are more students who choose volleyball. Because there are only <> movements, Changquan does not waste physical strength and is less limited by the venue, so students have more choices. Compared with the two types of sports ability items, the selection of quality projects in quality project II is more scattered, and many students choose sit-ups, rope skipping, vertical jump on the spot, standing long jump and other events.

Candidates should choose the items according to their own situation

After the reform of the new high school entrance examination in Beijing, the on-site physical education examination has changed from "8 out of 3" to "22 out of 4", with a total of 14 new items, how to choose their own better projects from many items in order to achieve good results in the high school entrance examination? Students with a strong sense of rhythm can choose to skip rope for parallel bars arm flexion and extension; second, the hardware conditions of the surrounding exercises, whether they can support long-term training; third, the protection, guidance, and teaching environment of candidates, etc.

In addition, the school's mapping test also gives students more reference basis when selecting exams. Liu Jingli introduced that before the selection, Beijing No. 166 Middle School conducted three thorough tests, and the physical education teacher scored the students according to their performance and gave suggestions. After three thorough tests, many students also changed their projects according to their own situation. "For example, at the beginning, many students chose badminton, but after training, everyone found that it was difficult to master it if there was no special training in badminton before. Liu Jingli said.

After the increase in examination items, how can schools carry out physical education teaching to help students master project skills? Liu Jingli introduced that each physical education teacher will arrange different projects according to their strengths, because the school space is limited, physical education classes will be grouped according to the projects, and targeted training. In addition, the school also temporarily added some sports tutoring at noon, and arranged tutoring three times a week at noon to tutor students in weak projects.

In order to reduce the impact of the school field on the students' sports, Beijing No. 166 Middle School also organized junior high school students to go to the Ditan Sports Center for training, "Our school's track is short, and many corners will affect the speed, so we mainly train running in the Ditan Temple, so that students can improve their performance on the standard field." ”

Liu Jingli told a reporter from Beiqing Daily that although the number of test items has increased, the scoring standard of "reaching good is full score" has also reduced the difficulty to a certain extent, and the full score standard of 1000 meters for boys and 800 meters for girls has been reduced by nearly half a minute.

During the winter vacation, you should insist on exercising to avoid difficulty in recovery

Liu Jingli told a reporter from Beijing Youth Daily that after the selection of students, the school will make statistics on the selection of students, arrange courses in a targeted manner, strengthen the special guidance of each teacher, and help students further improve their athletic ability.

In addition, Liu Jingli said that for the upcoming winter vacation, the school will also give targeted counseling to some students at the critical point to strengthen practice, and students can also return to school to practice during the winter vacation. Liu Jingli reminded that the students in the third year of junior high school should also insist on exercising during the winter vacation, "especially the running project, after not running for a long time, they will experience a painful recovery stage, in addition to the supervision of school teachers, it is also necessary to work together with home and school to create an environment for candidates to exercise and help students cope with the upcoming high school entrance examination." ”

Text/Reporter Zhang Yuehao

Source: Beijing Youth Daily