Beijing, January 1 (China News Service) -- China's Supreme People's Procuratorate reported on January 15 the progress of the case of Tang Shuangning, former secretary of the party committee and chairman of China Everbright Group Co., Ltd., on suspicion of corruption and bribery. A few days ago, the Supreme People's Procuratorate made a decision to arrest Tang Shuangning on suspicion of embezzlement and bribery in accordance with the law. The case is being further processed.

According to public information, Tang Shuangning was born in October 1954, a native of Liaoning, and worked in the financial field for many years before stepping down in December 10. In July 2017, the official announced that it was investigated.

After investigation, Tang Shuangning lost the principles of party spirit, abandoned his duties and missions, was not resolute in implementing the major decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee, weakened the party's leadership over state-owned enterprises, failed to prevent and resolve financial risks, violated the party's organizational line, abandoned the main responsibility of comprehensively and strictly governing the party, used his power to hype up personal calligraphy and other works, and privately brought books and periodicals with serious political problems into the country and read them, and resisted organizational censorship.

In the party discipline and government punishment circular, Tang Shuangning was also accused of "using public funds to travel abroad in the name of inspection in disguise, illegally approving the purchase of buildings, halls, halls, and occupying unit housing", "conniving at and acquiescing in others to use his power for personal gain, and illegally accepting gifts and gifts such as calligraphy and paintings, commemorative coins, etc. from celebrities", "greedy for pleasure and accepting 'butler-style' services", "alienating the public power given by the party and the people into a tool for seeking fame and fortune, and engaging in 'elegant corruption'".

According to statistics, since 2021, more than 10 senior executives of the "Everbright Department" have been dismissed, including Li Xiaopeng, who replaced Tang Shuangning as the "top leader" of Everbright Group. Li Xiaopeng was arrested by the Supreme People's Procuratorate in October last year after being expelled from the party and public office, accused of "wanting to be an official and making a fortune, abusing power for personal gain, and 'relying on finance to eat finance.'" (ENDS)