Earlier, the report of the World Economic Forum (WEF) reported on the need to create a naval task force in the Black Sea to escort dry cargo ships with grain and fertilizers.

Klimov called the EEF meeting "puffing out the cheeks."

"There are rules for maritime navigation, there is a corresponding agreement on the rules for passing the Bosphorus. Turkey did not come to Davos at all," RIA Novosti quoted him as saying.

The senator noted that the countries are talking about the introduction of military forces into the Black Sea, although they do not have the right to do so under the Montreux Convention.

According to the chairman of the Turkish Vatan (Motherland) party, Dogu Perincek, NATO ships will not enter the Black Sea in a situation where a Russian special military operation is being carried out in Ukraine.

Turkey, Romania and Bulgaria have also signed a memorandum on combating mines in the Black Sea.