Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al-Thani, Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Qatar (Al Jazeera)

Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al-Thani, Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Qatar, said during his speech at the World Economic Forum in Davos on Tuesday that the situation in the Red Sea is very dangerous, because its impact affects the whole world, and is not limited to the region only, and stressed that the military option will not solve the current crisis in the Red Sea.

He called on the Qatari Prime Minister to search for ways to end the Israeli war on the Gaza Strip quickly, and to release Palestinian hostages and prisoners, and expressed the State of Qatar's belief that defusing the conflict in Gaza will stop the escalation on other fronts.

He called for a focus on resolving the most important conflict in Gaza, rather than focusing on small crises, and said alternative routes to the Red Sea were less efficient, and that any solutions that did not address the war in Gaza were temporary. There is no magic formula for returning to the pre-October 7 era without a real treatment of the two-state solution.

He pointed out that many countries do not believe in the feasibility of reconstruction in Gaza with the Israeli escalation that the Strip witnesses every short period.

Sheikh Abdul Rahman al-Thani said that the Arabs put forward solutions and initiatives but the Israelis rejected them, stressing that not giving the Palestinians their state and replacing it with normalization does not solve the matter.

He pointed out that the situation in the West Bank is no less bad than the situation in the Gaza Strip, noting that despite this, "we do not see a real reaction from the international community."

"We have in the region a recipe ready for escalation everywhere, and agents that show up every time," the Qatari prime minister said.

He stressed that Iran and the Gulf states are neighbors and there is an understanding on how to find common interests through dialogue, and there is great potential if Iran and the countries of the region agree, and this also has an impact on the security of the region.

For his part, Dr. Majid Al-Ansari, spokesman for the Qatari Ministry of Foreign Affairs, confirmed that the Qatari Prime Minister confirms the continuation of joint mediation to stop the war on Gaza immediately.

He said that ending tension in the Red Sea can only be a political solution by stopping the war in Gaza, and that regional repercussions will continue if the war does not stop.

Qatar's position from day one is that the expansion of the conflict in Gaza will have serious repercussions. Ansari said the international community was now required to take a clear decision to stop the war in Gaza immediately.

Source : Al Jazeera + Agencies