President Marcos of the Philippines congratulated Mr. Li Ching-deok for winning the presidential election in Taiwan and expressed his desire to "strengthen mutual interests and promote peace." In response, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs has strongly objected to this, summoning the Philippine ambassador to Beijing to protest.

On the night of the 15th, President Marcos of the Philippines congratulated Mr. Li Ching-dek of the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), who won the presidential election in Taiwan on the 13th of this month, in a post on the old Twitter X, saying, "I would like to congratulate you on behalf of the people of the Philippines."

"We look forward to forging close cooperation in the future, strengthening mutual interests, promoting peace, and ensuring the prosperity of each other's citizens," he said.

In response, Mr. Yori expressed his gratitude in a post and responded, "I look forward to strengthening each other's economies and people-to-people exchanges while defending democracy, peace and prosperity in the region."

Regarding this, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning said at a press conference on the 16th, "We express our strong dissatisfaction and resolutely oppose the violent interference in China's internal affairs.

The Philippines has recently deepened its confrontation with China over territorial rights in the South China Sea, and the Philippine Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced on the 16th that it would "reaffirm the policy of" one China "" and is trying to calm the situation so that relations do not deteriorate further.