Marisa Cruz Madrid


Updated Tuesday,16January2024-18:59

  • Justice Europe will rule on the PSOE's latest pact with Puigdemont to try to shield his amnesty
  • Catalonia Junts now pressures Sánchez with the referendum: "If the State refuses, colorín colorado"

The Parliamentary Group Together for Catalonia has registered up to 12 amendments to the Amnesty Law proposal presented by the PSOE: in them it demands, among other things, to bring forward by two months the period to which the regulation affects so that it applies to acts committed after November 1, 2011. In addition, they ask that it also contemplate crimes classified as "terrorism".

For its part, the PSOE has registered together with Sumar, ERC, BNG and Bildu up to eight amendments on the text of the Amnesty Law. The deadline for the presentation of amendments in Congress ended this Tuesday at 18:00 p.m.