In December 2022, he was sentenced to juvenile detention for aggravated weapons offenses and several cases of drug offenses.

Part-time work during the autumn: Good employee

When he is released in the autumn, he will return to Hudiksvall. Then the 19-year-old works part-time at a fast food restaurant.

"He was a good employee, who arrived on time and behaved well. He was good to both customers and staff, says the owner.

Several people SVT has been in contact with say that they see the 19-year-old in Hudiksvall on different occasions at the turn of the year. One person claims to have seen him as recently as the beginning of January.

Faces death penalty after arrest

On January 7, just weeks after he worked as a part-time at the restaurant, he arrives in Iraq. The next day, he was arrested on suspicion of shooting dead gang leader Mustafa "Benzema" Aljiburi.

According to Iraqi media and experts interviewed by SVT, the authorities have no plans to extradite him to Sweden and want to sentence him according to Iraqi law – where he risks the death penalty.

The move, the football and the first contact with drugs – in the clip above, SVT has mapped the 19-year-old's path into crime and the months before the arrest in Baghdad.

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Hear from Iraqi journalist Hadi Jalo Marei about the murder of Mustafa "Benzema" Aljiburi. Photo: SVT