Europe 1 08:58, 16 January 2024

The head of the Reconquest list in the European elections, Marion Maréchal, was the guest this Tuesday of La Grande interview Europe 1-CNews. Speaking to Sonia Mabrouk, the vice-president of Eric Zemmour's party believes that "it is only a matter of time before Les Républicains merges into Macronia".

The starting gun has been fired. With six months to go before the European elections, the parties are gradually unveiling their lead candidates in order to convince voters. Among them, Les Républicains chose François Xavier Bellamy, who has already been elected to the European Parliament. A wise choice for the right-wing camp, still shaken by the appointment of Rachida Dati to the Ministry of Culture.

Invited this Tuesday morning, the head of Reconquête's list for the European elections, Marion Maréchal, judged this nomination harshly. "I think François Xavier Bellamy is incoherent. Incoherent because I don't understand today how he can stay with the Republicans in terms of what he says he thinks," she said.

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