Charles Luylier (correspondent in Reunion Island) / Photo credits: RICHARD BOUHET / AFP 08:11 a.m., January 16, 2024

Cyclone Belal is moving away from Reunion Island, which still remains on red alert. This should be lifted in the morning, Roland Garros airport should reopen at 17 p.m. But for the return to normal life, we will have to wait a few more hours. There is still work to be done to restore everything, even if the worst has been avoided.


Some parts of the island take on the air of a lunar landscape during this next day. The roads are deserted but littered with trees that have fallen under the weight of the gusts, making it impossible to get around. The employees of the city of Saint-Denis are therefore hard at work. Since Tuesday morning, "we have been cutting off, we have to clear all the main roads. There are a lot of fallen branches and even large tree trunks blocking the road, it's catastrophic," said a city employee.

>> ALSO READ – Cyclone Belal in Reunion Island: red alert, purple alert... What are the differences?

Restore electricity and running water

There is also work to be done for EDF's teams. 200 employees mobilized, reinforcements from Corsica are expected. The goal? Restore power to individuals, like Sully, who has a lot of money. In addition to living without electricity, he has had no tap water for two days. "Last night we were with candles. If the electricity is not restored within the next few hours for the food in the fridges, we will lose our foodstuffs. That is why we are worried. At the water level, the water buckets were filled with rainwater. We don't have an answer, actually," the resident lamented.

Answers that will have to be provided quickly here to allow a real return to life as before. The Minister of the Interior is expected to arrive on Wednesday. However, the cyclone is still active. It caused great damage as it approached Mauritius. The torrential rains took residents and motorists by surprise; The island is on high alert.