Beijing, 1 Jan (ZXS) -- Overseas Chinese organizations and associations around the world, such as the China Council for Promoting Peaceful Reunification, have recently issued statements one after another resolutely opposing any form of "Taiwan independence" separatist activities.

The results of the two elections in Taiwan in 2024 were announced on January 1, and Democratic Progressive Party candidates Lai Qingde and Xiao Meiqin were elected as the chief and deputy leaders of Taiwan.

A number of overseas Chinese and Chinese organizations in Canada issued a statement stressing their adherence to the one-China principle and opposing the "Taiwan independence" separatist plot. In its statement, the Canadian Association for the Promotion of Peaceful Reunification of China (Friendship) said that the principle of "peaceful reunification and one country, two systems" fully takes into account the actual situation in the Taiwan region, fully respects the objective differences between the two sides of the strait, and fully safeguards the interests and well-being of the Taiwan compatriots.

Canada's Edmonton Chinese Association for the Promotion of Chinese Reunification said that it is willing to work with people from all walks of life in Taiwan and all overseas groups and individuals to resolutely oppose "Taiwan independence" separatist acts and interference by external forces, promote cross-strait exchanges and cooperation, and promote the peaceful development of cross-strait relations.

The Russian Association for the Promotion of Peaceful Reunification of China said that many governments, including Russia, immediately reiterated their position on the Taiwan issue, that is, Taiwan is an inalienable part of China and opposes any form of "Taiwan independence." At the same time, the meeting warned "Taiwan independence" elements not to misjudge the situation and play with fire and set themselves on fire.

Nine overseas Chinese groups in Portugal, including the Portuguese Association for the Promotion of China's Peaceful Reunification and the Portuguese Chinese Chamber of Commerce, issued a statement firmly supporting all the efforts made by the Chinese Government to realize the peaceful reunification of the motherland, resolutely opposing any form of "Taiwan independence" separatist activities, and firmly believing that the motherland will eventually and will be reunified. Overseas Chinese and ethnic Chinese in Portugal will extensively strive for the understanding and support of the mainstream Portuguese society for China's peaceful reunification, and make contributions to promoting the peaceful development of cross-strait relations.

The Brazilian Association for Promoting China's Peaceful Reunification in Rio de Janeiro pointed out that Taiwan is China's Taiwan and both sides of the Taiwan Strait are Chinese; no matter how the situation on the island changes, there is only one China in the world, the basic fact that Taiwan is a part of China will not change, and the general consensus and stable pattern of the international community adhering to the one-China principle will not change.

According to the Argentine Association for the Promotion of China's Peaceful Reunification, the results of the two elections in the Taiwan region show that about 60 percent of the public hopes for the change of political parties. All overseas Chinese and ethnic Chinese in Argentina will, as always, support the Chinese Government's firm determination and stand on realizing the complete reunification of the motherland, and resolutely oppose "Taiwan independence" separatist acts and interference by external forces.

The Panamanian Association for Promoting China's Peaceful Reunification and the Central and South American Association for Promoting China's Peaceful Reunification pointed out that the election results cannot change the basic pattern and direction of cross-strait relations, still less can they stop the historical process in which China will eventually and will inevitably be reunified.

The Nepal Association for Promoting China's Peaceful Reunification said in a statement that Taiwan is an inalienable part of China's territory, the Taiwan issue is China's internal affair, and relevant countries should scrupulously abide by the one-China principle. At the same time, the meeting also told the "Taiwan independence" elements who are vainly seeking separatism to recognize the reality that there is no option for independence in Taiwan's future.

The Cambodian Association for the Promotion of China's Peaceful Reunification and the Cambodian Chinese Council issued a joint statement stressing that the one-China principle is a universally recognized norm governing international relations and a universal consensus of the international community, and that realizing China's complete reunification is the trend of the times, where the great righteousness lies, and the aspiration of the people. The separatist plot of "Taiwan independence" and foreign interference are bound to fail.

The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) Association for the Promotion of China's Peaceful Reunification said it would resolutely oppose "Taiwan independence" separatist acts and interference by external forces, and firmly support the "92 Consensus" of the one-China principle. The vast numbers of overseas Chinese and ethnic Chinese in Congo are willing to work with all sectors of society to promote cross-strait exchanges and cooperation and jointly promote Chinese culture. (ENDS)