, Beijing, January 1 (Reporter Li Chun) Mi Feng, spokesman of the National Health Commission, said in Beijing on the 14th that since New Year's Day, the number of fever clinics in medical institutions across the country has shown a fluctuating downward trend. At present, influenza is still the main respiratory disease, the new coronavirus infection is at a low level, and medical services are generally stable and orderly.

The National Health Commission held a press conference on the same day to introduce the prevention and treatment of respiratory diseases and health tips in winter. Mi Feng said at the meeting that as the winter and Spring Festival holidays approach, the large-scale movement and gathering of people may accelerate the spread of respiratory diseases.

He pointed out that it is necessary to do a good job in monitoring and early warning, strengthen the management of key places and the prevention and control of key links. Provide health consultation, referral guidance and other services to key populations such as the elderly, pregnant women, children, and patients with chronic underlying diseases in a timely manner, and facilitate their vaccination. It is necessary to actively allocate medical resources, optimize the treatment process, and ensure the supply of medical supplies. Reserve medical resources for common sports injuries, accidents, traumatic injuries, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular emergencies during the holiday period, and ensure that patients receive timely and effective treatment.

Mi Feng also mentioned that since the New Year's Day holiday, cross-border tourism between the north and the south has become popular. Tourists from the north and south enjoy the different natural environments and cultural atmospheres. The climate of the north and south is very different, so we should pay attention to the weather changes and road safety at the destination and along the way, pay attention to physical health, pay attention to cold and warmth, beware of frostbite and cold, and prevent slipping and falling. Pay attention to food hygiene during the trip. Continue to adhere to good hygiene habits such as wearing masks scientifically, washing hands frequently, ventilating frequently, and maintaining social distancing, and promptly identify and seek medical attention if respiratory symptoms occur. (ENDS)