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Video Duration 04 minutes 05 seconds 04:05

Tweeters and activists agreed that the developments in the file of Israeli prisoners in Gaza are evidence of the abject failure in which Israel has suffered from achieving its goals, despite the passage of 100 days since the war launched on the Gaza Strip. This consisted in the liberation of Israeli detainees and the elimination of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas).

What Israel has done in 100 days is only succeed in turning most of the Gaza Strip into rubble and killing more than 23,<> Palestinian civilians, mostly women and children.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who faces growing opposition between Israelis and government officials, tried to hide the abject failure of his government and army in the Gaza Strip by speaking at the cabinet meeting to approve the 2024 budget to recover half of the hostages, and pledging to continue working to recover all those left in the grip of the Palestinian resistance in the Strip.

It should be noted that the return of some Israeli detainees was not based on military operations, but rather on negotiations with the resistance mediated by Qatar and Egypt.

It seems that Netanyahu's pledges did not reassure the families of the detainees and many Israelis, 120,100 of whom demonstrated in Tel Aviv on Sunday to coincide with the <>th day of war, demanding that Netanyahu return the detainees to their families.

This demonstration is the largest since the start of the war on Gaza, and reflects the great pressure on the Israeli government over the prisoners' file.

Analysts also considered the joining of a member of the War Council and head of the "State Camp" party, Benny Gantz, to the demonstration of the prisoners' families as evidence that the issue of prisoners has become a file of internal political conflict, a hypothesis supported by the statement of war council member Gadi Eisenkot, "We must stop lying to ourselves, show courage, and head to a big deal that returns the kidnapped, time is running out and every day that passes for the kidnapped in Gaza puts their lives at risk."

On (15/01/2024), Shabaat monitored the comments of some tweeters on social media platforms on the developments of the file of Israeli prisoners held by Hamas.

Activist Ahmed Matar said that the prisoners are victims of an internal political struggle in Israel for the survival of the corrupt and extremists in power, and said, "Netanyahu, his extremist government and the Knesset do not care about the fate of the prisoners, whether they are alive or dead, and what their living and health conditions are evidenced by the continuation of the war for more than 100 days."

The account's owner praised the resistance's dealings, saying, "The resistance preserves prisoners, while Israel kills civilians in Gaza."

Activist Abu Kulaib urged the resistance to pressure the occupation government and impose its conditions, tweeting, "The resistance treats prisoners humanely, and the only danger to them is the Zionist army, the resistance has clear conditions and the first is to pressure the government of Israel to end the war and implement the conditions."

As for Abdel Rahman, he stressed in his tweet the failure of the Israeli war policy on Gaza, tweeting, "After 100 days of Israeli-American aggression against the people of Palestine, the aggressors failed and had two demands for the release of Israeli prisoners and the elimination of Hamas, and the enemy did not achieve any demand."

The Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), had published – on Sunday – a new video recording of 3 of its Israeli prisoners, entitled "Your government is lying", and these prisoners appealed to Netanyahu to stop the war in Gaza.

Source : Al Jazeera