, Beijing, January 1 (Reporter Sun Zifa) In the past 15, what are the scientific and technological events that the public is most concerned about? A result based on communication data and authoritative expert review shows that the launch of Shen 2023 was a complete success, the first commercial flight of the domestic large aircraft C919, and the detection of nanohertz gravitational waves by the "China Sky Eye" were selected.

The Beijing Association for Science and Technology recently held the "2023 Science Year" event in Beijing, which relies on Xinhuanet's big data technology to capture the dissemination data of scientific events in 2023 on major news websites, APP, Weibo, WeChat and other platforms, sort out the scientific and technological events that the public is most concerned about in 2023, and invite academicians and expert representatives to tell the scientific stories behind the events.

There are 2023 scientific and technological events that the public is most concerned about in 10, which are: the successful launch of Shen 919, the first commercial flight of the domestic large aircraft C2000, the production of new energy vehicles in China reached 403 million, this round of full moon is not ordinary: "supermoon" + "blue moon", the national ecological protection red line is fully delineated, one million second VS 20 billion years, China's quantum computing has broken the record, <> seconds! China's "artificial sun" A new world record was set, China ushered in the <>th National Science Popularization Day, the "China Sky Eye" made a breakthrough in detecting nanohertz gravitational waves, and the National Museum of Natural History was officially unveiled to advocate the harmonious coexistence of man and nature.

Wu Guanghui, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, chief scientist of COMAC and chief designer of C919 large passenger aircraft, said that the C919 large aircraft has achieved commercial flight, which marks the full completion of the research and development process of large aircraft. C919 has opened the "first step" of the scale of China's aviation manufacturing industry, and it is also the "skyrocketing" of China's manufacturing industry to break through to high-tech fields and accelerate transformation and upgrading.

In 2023, the "China Sky Eye" will capture nanohertz gravitational waves with wavelengths of several light-years, which are eternal background noise in the universe, and they are more difficult to "listen" to than the high-frequency gravitational waves that were first discovered by mankind in 2016. Li Kejia, a researcher at the National Astronomical Observatories of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and a professor at Peking University, said that the detection of nanohertz gravitational waves is very difficult, and the scientific research team actually took a different path this time, by observing a group of natural clock millisecond pulsars in the sky, looking at the influence of gravitational waves on the pulse signal, and trying to find evidence of gravitational waves.

Yuan Lanfeng, deputy director of the Department of Science and Technology Communication at the University of Science and Technology of China and deputy director of the Science Communication Research Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said that the "Jiuzhan 200" quantum computing prototype can handle specific mathematical problems that the world's fastest supercomputer takes <> billion years to solve, which further consolidates China's international leading position in the field of optical quantum computing. From abacus to quantum computing, from "Nine Chapters of Arithmetic" to "Nine Chapters No. <>" quantum computers, Chinese have been constantly exploring new breakthroughs in "Chinese computing".

Zhang Xuming, executive secretary general of the Society of Automotive Engineers of China, believes that new energy vehicles represent a more environmentally friendly, safe and sustainable mode of transportation. In 2023, China's new energy vehicle production will reach 2000 million units, indicating the viability of the development model of the industry. (ENDS)