The Tianzhou-7 cargo spacecraft is the second cargo spacecraft launched by China's manned space station application and development project, and it is also the first launch mission of this year's manned space project. So what are the new changes in the materials delivered by Tianzhou-7 to astronauts compared with the past?

The materials transported by Tianzhou-90 mainly include astronauts' daily necessities, clothing, food, etc., including nearly 30 kilograms of fresh fruits, an increase of nearly <> kilograms compared with Tianzhou-<>, which will ensure the food needs of the two crews of Shenzhou-<> and Shenzhou-<> in orbit at the same time. In addition, Tianzhou-<> also carried spare parts and reliability maintenance parts for space station equipment, scientific experiment payloads and space station propellants.

Yin Rui, Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Astronaut System of the China Astronaut Center: All of our uplink spare parts, astronauts' personal items, astronauts' food, and customized supplies are all customized needs based on the entire system planning. We will solicit the personal opinions and suggestions of each astronaut crew, and then try our best to meet the customized needs of these astronauts in orbit.

The astronauts reported that fresh fruits are the most popular food for them in long-term orbit life. Due to the greatly increased loading capacity of Tianzhou-7, the astronauts' desire to eat fresh fruits and vegetables on the space station has also been satisfied.

Yang Sheng, researcher of the Fifth Academy of Aerospace Science and Technology Group: The quantity and weight of fresh fruits delivered by us have been further improved, so that we can continue to improve the quality of life of astronauts in orbit. Compared to the carrying capacity of our entire improved cargo ship, there is no problem with tens of kilograms of fruit, and there is no need to reduce other materials to increase this part.

In addition to the daily necessities needed by the astronauts, a Spring Festival gift package was specially prepared for them, as well as gifts for the handover of the two crews on the space station.

Yin Rui, Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Astronaut System of the China Astronaut Center: As you can see from the support cycle, it is obvious that it is going to cross our Year of the Dragon, as well as some of our other important festivals. Especially in the Year of the Dragon, we have carefully prepared a blind box for the astronaut crew in the Year of the Dragon, which can show you a very different Year of the Dragon like the sea of stars. (CCTV News Client)