Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal called the security agreement concluded with the UK "exemplary".

"Why is this agreement important? It has become a benchmark. It is very important that the standard includes maximum guarantees for our state. And so it is... Britain will support Ukraine during the aggression for as long as it takes," the UNIAN news agency quoted him as saying.

In addition, according to the politician, Kiev plans to sign similar agreements with a number of other countries. The possible conclusion of a similar agreement with Kiev has already been announced by US Ambassador to Ukraine Bridget Brink. And Zelensky's office reported that negotiations on this issue were being held with Romania and a number of other states.

At the same time, Shmyhal stressed that the British-Ukrainian security treaty contains mutual obligations. According to him, this means that not only the UK will help Ukraine in the field of defense, but also Kyiv will protect London in the event of an "attack" by the Russian Federation on the UK.

"Not only the UK must react within 24 hours if there is aggression against Ukraine, Ukraine will also defend its ally and partner within 24 hours, react in one way or another to support the UK in case Russia wants to attack our friend, partner and ally," the politician said on the air of the Ukrainian telethon.

  • Denys Shmyhal
  • AP
  • © Brendan Smialowski

According to Oleg Matveichev, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Information Policy, Information Technology and Communications, Shmyhal's words that Ukraine will defend Britain cannot be taken literally.

"The text of the agreement is dedicated to assistance to Ukraine. Apparently, the document assumes by default that Ukraine is helping the West by killing Russians. This, as one of the US congressmen said, is the best investment for the West. The British are paying for the Ukrainians to kill Russians, to harm Russia. This, of course, is not spelled out in the agreement," the source explained to RT.

"Improving interoperability"

Recall that the agreement between Ukraine and the United Kingdom in the field of security was signed on January 12 during the visit of British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak to Kyiv. At a joint press conference with Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the head of the Cabinet of Ministers said that "this is the first of a series of new bilateral security guarantees promised to Ukraine by 30 countries."

As noted in the agreement, London and Kyiv "will work together to provide a sustainable force capable of defending Ukraine now and deterring Russian aggression in the future." It is assumed that this will be achieved "through the continuous provision of security assistance and modern military equipment (to counter Russia). "RT) in land, air, sea, space, and cyberspace environments."

  • Rishi Sunak and Volodymyr Zelenskyy at a press conference
  • AP
  • © Efrem Lukatsky

The document specifies that priority will be given to air defense, artillery, long-range firearms and armored vehicles. This list "as necessary" may also include combat aircraft. In addition, London will assist the Armed Forces of Ukraine in "increasing interoperability with Euro-Atlantic partners."

In addition, the agreement states Britain's intention to assist Ukraine in the development of the fleet and military industry.

The document announced the allocation of £2024.2 billion in British military aid to Ukraine in 5, which is slightly more than has been provided to Kyiv so far: in 2022 and 2023, the Zelensky regime received £2.3 billion from Britain.

In addition, London undertakes to provide political assistance to Kyiv in the international arena, including on the issue of anti-Russian sanctions and the promotion of Zelensky's so-called peace formula. At the same time, Britain promised to support Kiev in the humanitarian and economic spheres, as well as in the fight against crime.

The treaty also provides for the procedure for actions in the event of an "armed attack" by the Russian Federation on Ukraine in the future. In such a scenario, the text says, at the request of one of the parties, consultations will be held within 24 hours on measures to counter or deter aggression.

"In these circumstances, acting in accordance with its legal and constitutional requirements, the UK commits to: provide Ukraine with prompt and sustained security assistance, advanced military equipment in all environments as needed, and economic support, impose economic and other costs on Russia, and consult with Ukraine on its needs as it exercises its right to self-defence," - said in the agreement.

"Conditional Protection"

According to Sergei Margulis, Senior Lecturer at the Department of International Politics and Foreign Regional Studies of the Institute of Social Sciences of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, the UK did not include a clause in the agreement on direct participation in the conflict on the side of Ukraine. In his opinion, this means that Kiev does not receive any real security guarantees within the framework of this agreement.

"By signing this agreement, the UK does not assume absolutely any obligations regarding the provision of security guarantees for Kiev, it does not talk about the deployment of British troops on the territory of Ukraine. The funny thing is that the document talks about some kind of future attack on Ukraine. And this is at a time when the issue of Ukraine's sovereignty is already in question. This is pure populism," the expert said in a comment to RT.

Oleg Matveychev shares a similar opinion. The expert, in particular, drew attention to the fact that London will not bear any responsibility in case of non-compliance with the terms of the agreement.

"Guarantees imply that if a party to a contract does not fulfill its obligations, then some sanctions are imposed on it. There is nothing of the kind in the agreement between Britain and Ukraine," the parliamentarian explained.

At the same time, he added that Britain in any case would not be able to give firm security guarantees to Ukraine, since even the country's accession to the North Atlantic Alliance would only be "conditional protection."

"Even if Ukraine joined NATO, it would be a conditional guarantee of security. Formally, the North Atlantic Treaty declares the principle of collective defense, but in practice this clause has never been applied. And it remains to be seen whether this arrangement will work in the event of a real threat. Will ordinary Americans want to die for, say, some Finns? After all, they don't even know where Finland is," Matveychev said.

"Only defeats, losses and mobilizations"

According to experts, the agreement between London and Kyiv largely implies the measures that Britain is already taking to help Ukraine. In this regard, analysts believe that the signing of this document pursued exclusively propaganda purposes. In particular, political scientist Ivan Meziukho, in an interview with RT, called this agreement a PR action.

"Against the backdrop of the fact that Ukraine lacks both heavy and light weapons, instead of new batches of tanks and ammunition, this agreement is being demonstrated to the Ukrainian society - "eat, do not get dirty". It is easier to conclude a contract than to immediately deliver Abrams, F-16s and a sufficient amount of ammunition," the expert said.

  • London
  • © Paul Panayiotou

Meanwhile, analysts say, Kyiv is trying to present the signing of this agreement as a great achievement of the Zelensky regime inside the country.

"This agreement in Ukraine is being talked about in all the media. It is needed in order to somehow inspire the unfortunate Ukrainians, who are used to the fact that they had only bad news all autumn: only defeats, losses and mobilizations. Under these conditions, the Zelensky regime needs some conditionally positive news to present it to Ukrainians as a light at the end of the tunnel," Oleg Matveychev believes.

In turn, Sergei Margulis states that Britain uses the signing of the agreement in its own interests.

"The treaty is demonstrative. For Kyiv, this is a way to cheer up society in conditions when there is a rather difficult mobilization and when the fighting spirit of Ukrainians is declining. The Kiev regime here uses the standard formula about "the whole world is with us." For Britain, this is a demonstration that London continues to support Ukraine. This is important for the British, because in the West this course is still mainstream," the analyst concluded.