It was on the night of October 31 last year that a woman was woken up by a horrible noise. Downstairs, she was met by shards of glass on the floor and a man ripping out food and drink from the fridge.

The woman managed to get the thief out of the house by grabbing him by the neck. However, he did get several protein drinks and Christmas must.

The woman and her husband have been greatly affected by the burglary.

"They both have great difficulty sleeping and feel unsafe in their own home," the verdict reads.

The car's camera caught the thief

That same night, two other Haparanda residents were also affected. In one of the cases, the thief was caught on a surveillance camera from a parked electric car.

The video shows the man loading a wheelbarrow full of stolen goods, everything from berries to a hockey bag.

Denies theft tour in Haparanda

Haparanda District Court has now sentenced the man, against his denial, for two counts of burglary theft and two counts of support to imprisonment for two years. One of the thefts took place some time before the night tour.

The 28-year-old must also pay a total of SEK 44,000 in damages to the victims as well as an insurance company.

In the clip, you can see when the car's camera catches the thief in the act.