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Duration 02 minutes 17 seconds 02:17

A Palestinian woman living in makeshift tents set up by displaced people on the border with Egypt expressed the tragedy of the people whom the Israeli occupation and its supporters want to displace from their land, and cried: "I completely refuse to go to Sinai."

She revealed that they were displaced from their homes 100 days ago from the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip, and 15 days ago they were displaced to the Egyptian border, but they heard that the Israelis will control the border area between Egypt and Palestine.

With great pain and sorrow, the Palestinian describes her conditions as difficult and today they are much harder, and says that when she watches Gaza on the border with Egypt, she feels fear, pain and sadness, the blood of the martyrs and the cry of young children.

Displaced Palestinians fleeing their homes due to Israeli strikes take shelter in a camp in Khan Younis in the southern Gaza Strip (Reuters-Archive)

"I feel completely strange," she says, then repeated in tears: "I completely refuse to go to Sinai because it is not my land. I am Palestinian and I have a Palestinian identity and citizenship, and if I go to Egypt, I will feel like a stranger." "I refuse to even look at Sinai from afar because it is not my land."

She expressed the pain and suffering of Palestinians in Gaza, saying that they suffered for 100 days of war and their features changed, saying, "When I look at my children, I feel that their childhood is lost and we are unable to give anything to them."

She added that what happened in 1948 may have been less than what is happening today, because the interdependence between the Arab peoples existed more, and "but today we feel that the Arabs have become strangers to us. Justice died in the land of Muslims, Omar."

Source : Al Jazeera