Wilfried Devillers / Photo credit: MUSTAFA CIFTCI / ANADOLU AGENCY / ANADOLU VIA AFP 19:35 p.m., January 13, 2024, modified at 19:35 p.m., January 13, 2024

Hiromi Rollin, who presents herself as Alain Delon's partner, denounces an attempted intentional homicide against the actor and attacks his children. Faced with this, Anthony, the actor's eldest son, told Europe 1 that these statements did not hold water and assured that a medical file contradicted the statements.

A new episode in the heartbreak of the Alain Delon children. After the unpacking concerning the health of the actor, Anouchka, Anthony and Alain-Fabien, who disagree on the follow-up to be given to their father's medical treatment, a new legal salvo would be prepared. Hiromi Rollin, the woman who presents herself as the comedian's partner, wrote a letter to the prosecutor of Montargis.

"Media announcements"

According to several media outlets, Hiromi Rollin denounced, in a letter sent by his lawyer Yassine Bouzrou, an attempted intentional homicide against the actor and targeted the Delon children. For her, the cessation of medical treatment taken by Alain Delon presents a real danger to her life. She claims that before she was deported from Douchy, the star's health was stable, while it now seems to be deteriorating day by day. According to Hiromi Rollin, this treatment for lymphoma is vital. The Delon children cannot be unaware, she insists, that replacing heavy treatment with fruit juices and naturopathy will not ensure a stable state of health for an 88-year-old man suffering from a serious illness. It is therefore calling for urgent investigations.

>> ALSO READ – The court appoints a doctor to assess Alain Delon's state of health

Contacted by Europe 1, Anthony Delon, the eldest of the three children, denounced statements that did not hold water. According to him, the experimental treatment his father was receiving was killing him. "Hiromi Rollin's statements don't hold water. These are just media announcements. The decision to stop my father's treatment, which was an experimental treatment and was killing him, was made by my father and his three children," he said. The latter states that a medical file attesting to this has been sent to the prosecutor of Montargis. "Except that for the moment they don't know," he concludes.