Exclusive video丨Xi Jinping meets with Belgian Prime Minister: China and Europe need to build more "bridges"

Video: Xi Jinping meets with Belgian Prime Minister: China and Europe need to build more "bridges" Source: CCTV news client

On the afternoon of January 1, President Xi Jinping met with Belgian Prime Minister De Croo on an official visit to China at the Great Hall of the People.

Xi Jinping stressed that China's policy toward Europe has maintained long-term stability, has always regarded Europe as China's cooperative partner, and hopes that Europe, as an important force in a multipolar world, will play a positive and constructive role. In the face of the chaotic international situation, China and the EU need to build more "bridges". The two sides should work more closely together to promote an equal and orderly multipolar world and inclusive economic globalization, and jointly promote world peace, stability and prosperity.

"First of all, thank you very much for your warm hospitality, Mr. President, and from the Chinese side. You mentioned the lecture you gave at the College of Europe in Bruges 10 years ago, and I am still very impressed by your presentation. I believe that the world needs the EU and China to work closely together and strengthen cooperation in a wider range of areas. I hope that my visit to China will help elevate Belgian-Chinese and EU-China relations to a new height. ”

Producer丨Shen Yong

Reporter丨Wang Pengfei, Zhao Hua, Yao Yao

Camera丨Li Zheng, Ma Chao, Li Hui, Cheng Cheng, Fan Yiming, Yang Xinyu

Recording丨Cheng Aihua