Alexis de la Fléchère / Photo credit: LUDOVIC MARIN / AFP 22:04 p.m., January 10, 2024

TomTom, the developer of navigation systems, has made the ranking of the most congested cities in France, logically dominated by Paris. The average speed recorded in the capital is also the slowest in France. On the other hand, it is in Saint-Étienne, Reims or Le Mans that traffic is the smoothest.

How much time do you spend in traffic jams each year? A long time, no doubt, if you are Parisian since the capital is, unsurprisingly, the most congested city in France, according to the ranking of TomTom, the developer of navigation systems.

In Paris, in 2023, motorists spent an average of 120 hours in traffic jams, five days lost. A colossal figure and above all 11 hours higher than in 2022. The TomTom study also specifies that the average speed of traffic in the capital was the slowest in France with an average of 23km/h.

"I feel sorry for those who work"

These are huge numbers, but they don't surprise the motorists we met in the 15th arrondissement. "It's getting worse and worse." "In Paris, it's very difficult to get around, that's for sure. Especially at certain times." "I'm always driving in Paris, it's causing me a lot of problems," confide these different road users. "It makes me feel sorry for those who work. And spending hours in traffic jams is not good for the planet," adds the retiree.


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These traffic jams are also bad news for our wallet. The infernal Parisian traffic, combined with high prices at the pump, has increased the fuel budget of a petrol car driver by 45%, i.e. an additional cost of 288 euros. Paris thus dominates this ranking of the most congested cities, ahead of Bordeaux (111 hours) and Lyon (89 hours). Among the good students, we can mention Saint-Étienne, Reims and Le Mans.