
Mauritania: How a traditional wedding takes place in Nouakchott

In Nouakchott, Mauritanian weddings take place in December and January. Those of prominent Mauritanian families are highly anticipated events in the capital, which usually take place over several days. First of all, with the setting up of festive "vigils" with women on one side and men on the other. Then with mixed and separate ceremonies. This is an opportunity to perpetuate Mauritanian ancestral traditions. Report.

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At a traditional Mauritanian wedding in Nouakchott. © Léa Breuil/RFI

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With our correspondent in Nouakchott, Léa Breuil

The drums and songs of the grillos resonate. As soon as the men of both families have formalized the marriage at the mosque, the women gather in large numbers at the bride's house to celebrate the union. "They are officially married in the eyes of God, as they say," says one.

According to the groom's sister, it was also an opportunity to bring part of the dowry and strengthen the bonds. "We brought back the money, we also brought back sweets," explains Mariem. We meet, we wish each other happiness, it's to unite us ».

The bride, hidden under a white veil...

The husband and his friends do not join the women until later, during the "Toga" ceremony, to hand over the ring. The bride then also joins the guests, still hidden under a large white veil. An essential protection, according to Toutou, one of the bride's aunts: "During this period, the bride has a lot of charm and in order not for this charm to fly away, she has to hide. The bride is modest. She has respect for the older ones. It's quite an atmosphere and everyone likes it.... Except for the bride (laughs).


A friend of the bride adds, amused: "It's kind of our game in the end, it's hide and seek with the bride. Everyone wants to see it, wants to see what it looks like.


And under a black veil

Last evening: the "Marwah" ceremony. Accompanied by his friends, the husband comes to fetch his wife, this time hidden under a black veil, to take her on her honeymoon. If the bride's girlfriends don't hide it in the meantime, as is customary. Ahmed, a friend of the groom, is amused: "They will try to stop him from taking him with him. But we're going to force it, we're going to force it, we're going to take it, it's part of the game!


Aminetou, a second aunt of the bride, explains: "It's usually the bride's girlfriends who steal from the bride to ask for another invitation (from the husband) to have the opportunity to continue the party. I have a sister, she was hidden at the groom's house. He looked for her everywhere... Except at home (laughs)!


The festivities lasted a total of 5 days and brought together nearly 400 guests.


Raïssa, one of the bride's friends, on the place of women in Mauritanian marriage

Léa Breuil

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