Tatianna Geiselmann // Photo credit: PATRIK STOLLARZ / AFP 12:01 p.m., January 05, 2024

This week, the editorial staff of Europe 1 takes a look at the good resolutions that the French make on the occasion of the transition to the new year. This Friday, Tatianna Geiselmann, Europe 1's correspondent in the Grand Est region, wants to quit smoking. A resolution that many French people make every year.

It's a common gesture for smokers: smashing your cigarette in an ashtray. However, for Tatianna Geiselmann, Europe 1's correspondent in the Grand Est region, this is the last time it will take place. Like many others, she decided to quit smoking in the New Year, despite having 15 years of cigarettes behind her. To help him stick to his resolution, she goes to Thomas Hartmann's office for a hypnosis session.

"It doesn't work by telling the person that under hypnosis, we're going to make them quit smoking. Instead, we're going to work on understanding why she smokes, is it to manage her stress, her impatience, her anger. And so we're going to work on these blockages, to make it easier for people to get started," he told Europe 1 radio.

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The help of the electronic cigarette

But now, after two hours of sessions, the urge to smoke is still present. So, the other technique to manage to keep your resolution is on the side of the electronic cigarette. "It's one of the most effective ways to start smoking cessation, with the very big advantage of being able to gradually lower the nicotine level," explains Maxence, a salesman at Le Petit Vapoteur.

A solution that is similar to nicotine patches or chewing gum, which can help to gradually reduce addiction. "It allows us to make a real break," he concludes.