Israeli warplanes carried out a series of raids on southern Lebanon (French)

Al Jazeera correspondent reported that an Israeli march bombed on Tuesday morning the outskirts of the town of Maroun al-Ras in the central sector of southern Lebanon.

The bombardment comes after a series of raids carried out by Israeli aircraft on southern Lebanon, in parallel with renewed confrontations between the Lebanese Hezbollah and the Israeli army across the border.

Hezbollah had announced the attack on two Israeli military sites off the southern border of Lebanon, and the party said that its fighters targeted a gathering of occupation soldiers in the vicinity of the Ya'ara barracks, and attacked the site of Hadab al-Bustan, confirming the achievement of direct hits.

Hezbollah announced the death of 3 of its members in southern Lebanon, bringing the death toll to 137 since the eighth of last October.

Al-Jazeera correspondent reported that the occupation warplanes launched a series of raids on several areas in southern Lebanon, targeting the towns of Kafr Kila, Maroun Al-Ras, the Labouneh area, and the vicinity of the towns of Bint Jbeil and Houla, and other areas were subjected to Israeli artillery shelling.

On the other hand, the Israeli army spokesman said that 5 soldiers were lightly wounded after monitoring several rocket launches from Lebanese territory, towards the Adamit area in the western Galilee, and the soldiers were evacuated for medical treatment in the hospital.

The spokesman added that the air force launched a series of raids on separate areas of southern Lebanon, likely centers for launching Hezbollah rockets towards Israeli border towns, and said that military sites and infrastructure of Hezbollah were destroyed, and targeted a cell near the village of Houla, as he put it.

Danger and displacement

French Armed Forces Minister Sebastien Le Cornot said the task of UNIFIL forces in southern Lebanon could become very dangerous.

Le Corno promised – during his inspection of his country's troops operating under the banner of the UNIFIL forces – that the road will be full of uncertainty in the coming weeks and days, as he described it.

The border areas in southern Lebanon have been witnessing security tension and exchange of fire between the Israeli army, elements affiliated with Hezbollah and the Palestinian resistance in Lebanon, since the eighth of last October, after the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip.

A large number of residents of the border areas in southern Lebanon have been displaced towards safer areas due to exchanges of fire between Hezbollah and the Israeli army.

According to figures from the International Organization for Migration, between October 15 and December 58, about 835,<> people were displaced, most of them from southern Lebanon and other areas of the country, due to events on the southern border.

Source : Al Jazeera