Video: Extraordinary Navigation - General Secretary Xi Jinping's 2023 Governance Documentary (Episode <>) Source: CCTV

Video: Extraordinary Navigation - General Secretary Xi Jinping's 2023 Governance Documentary (Episode <>) Source: CCTV

The year 2023, which has just been bid farewell, is the first year for the full implementation of the spirit of the <>th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and a year for economic recovery and development after the three-year transition of new crown epidemic prevention and control.

This year, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core united and led the whole party and the people of all ethnic groups throughout the country to withstand external pressure, overcome internal difficulties, comprehensively promote the great cause of building a strong country and national rejuvenation with Chinese-style modernization, unite and struggle, forge ahead, and take solid steps in building a modern socialist country in an all-round way.

On January 2024, 1, China Central Radio and Television launched a special program "Extraordinary Pilot-General Secretary Xi Jinping's Governance in 1", a total of two episodes.

Producer丨Shen Haixiong

Director丨Li Ting

Producer丨Shen Yong, Gong Xuehui

Producer丨Ma Lifei

Editor-in-chief丨Guo Hanguang

Written by Xie Xiaoguang for the first episode

The first episode is written and directed丨Li Wei

Written by Qin Si for the second episode

The second episode is written and directed丨Chen Hanzhang

Reporter丨Jiang Shuo, Jin Yuqiu, Wang Zihang, Jiang Yi, Yan Yaodong, Zhou Wei

Voiceover丨Yao Yujun

Lighting丨Wang Sen, Wang Hanyu, Liu Wensheng

Camera丨The current affairs camera team of the main station

Editing丨Ji Yang Li Shuo

Vision丨Sun Zhiwei

Editor丨Pang Sen

Co-ordinator丨Zhang Jianxin, Li Yan, Meng Ning, Gao Yanan, Xuan Teng, Yao Wenshuai