Rabat demonstration draws participants from across Morocco (Reuters)

Mass demonstrations took place in Morocco, Turkey and Pakistan, on Sunday, in solidarity with the Palestinian people and renewed demands to stop the Israeli war of extermination on Gaza, while solidarity stormed a public concert in Melbourne, Australia, to raise the flag of Palestine.

Thousands of demonstrators marched on Mohammed V Street in the center of the Moroccan capital Rabat under the slogan "Stop the war of extermination on Gaza, stop the normalization of the Moroccan state with the Zionist entity", at the invitation of the Moroccan Front to Support Palestine and Oppose Normalization.

The demonstrators held banners in Arabic and English condemning the killing of children and the destruction of hospitals and demanding an end to the Israeli occupation of Palestinian land.

Demonstration in Karachi in support of the Palestinian people (European)

They chanted slogans saluting the steadfastness of Gaza and the resistant Palestinian people, and condemning the United States, Israel's main ally, including "Enough of wars, America is the enemy of the peoples," and "Record, history, America is a terrorist."

Reuters said the march was one of the largest marches of solidarity with the Palestinian people in Rabat since the war began on Oct. 7.

"Great Gaza March"

In the Turkish capital, Ankara, thousands took part in the "Great Gaza March" in solidarity with the Palestinian people and demanding an end to the war.

Participants waved the flags of Palestine and Turkey, demanding an end to the genocide, calling for freedom for the Palestinian people, and carrying banners accusing the United States of participating in the killing of Palestinians.

Metin Mahitaboglu, spokesman for the Ankara Platform for Solidarity with Palestine, which organized the march, said in previous statements to Anadolu Agency that this movement comes in the face of the silence and helplessness of countries, governments and decision-makers.

A huge march in the Turkish capital, Ankara, condemning the massacres of the occupation in the Gaza Strip and the ongoing Zionist aggression. pic.twitter.com/46faZB42ha

— Palinfo (@PalinfoAr) December 24, 2023

"We have seen that the freest country in the world is Palestine, and that this country is being subjected to an attempted murder by Israel, because a world that remains silent in the face of so many massacres is not a free world," he said.

In Pakistan, crowds of demonstrators took to the streets in the city of Karachi to express solidarity with the Palestinian people.

The demonstrators waved Palestinian flags, banners demanding an end to the Israeli bombardment, and others reading "Labbaik Ya Al-Aqsa."

Melbourne concert storming

On the other hand, a number of Australian solidarity stormed a concert as part of the Christmas celebrations in the city of Melbourne, in order to draw attention to the suffering of the Palestinian people and demand an end to the war.

One of the supporters rushed to the stage of the ceremony where he raised the Palestinian flag, then the security forces noticed him and took him outside.

Solidarity raises the flag of Palestine during Melbourne ceremony (European)

For the 79th day, the Israeli army is waging a devastating war on Gaza, which as of Sunday has left 20,424 dead and 54,36 wounded, according to the health ministry in the Strip.

Activists and political movements in the West continue to pressure their governments to stop supplying Israel with weapons, accusing it of complicity in genocide and war crimes against the Palestinian people.

Source : Al Jazeera + Agencies