In the category "Best Work from a Conflict Zone (Video)", the winner was Ghazi al-Aloul (Gaza Strip, Palestine), author of the series "Gaza. Aftermath" prepared for the Roya TV channel (Jordan). The correspondent talks about the deaths of journalists who covered the conflict, about the work of hospitals in the conditions of hostilities and about the life of refugees

In the category "Best Work from the Conflict Zone (Text)", the award was taken by Sergey Prudnikov for "Reports from Donbass" for the newspaper "Izvestia" (Russia). In a series of articles, the correspondent describes the consequences of one of the heaviest shelling of Donetsk, the restoration of life in Volnovakha and the evacuation of civilians from Mariupol, as well as the situation in Yasynuvata, which was shelled daily.

The award "Best Work: Humanitarian Mission (video)" was received by Sebastián Salgado for "Tango of Freedom in Lugansk" (Data Urgente Internet portal, Argentina). In August 2022, the journalist went to the Lugansk and Donetsk People's Republics to shoot a series of documentaries. The film tells the stories of local residents and how this frontline region is recovering from hostilities.

In the category "Best Work: Humanitarian Mission (Text)", the winner was Sarah Salloum from Syria for her series "When the Guns Fell Silent..." (Al Mayadeen English TV channel, Lebanon). The journalist reports on the humanitarian crisis due to water and food shortages, the growing exploitation of child labor, and the dangers posed by uncleared mines.

This year's jury included Yevgeny Poddubny, military correspondent of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, Ahmed Gomaa, editor-in-chief of the Egyptian newspaper Youm7, Amro Abdel Hamid, chief host of the inter-Arab TV channel Al Ghad, Mohamed Balout, Lebanese military correspondent, employee of the Center for the Study of Arab Unity, and Ayanda Hollow, head of the African division of the TV BRICS TV channel. The works were also evaluated by RT journalists Salam Musafir (RT Arabic), Semyon Senderov (RT Spanish) and Thomas Röper (RT DE).