Today (21st) in response to the representative's suggestion, the National Health Insurance Administration said that maternity insurance is an important part of social insurance, and by giving full play to the role of social insurance in mutual assistance, the childbirth-related expenses incurred by a single employer due to the employment of female employees are shared among all employers, which balances the labor costs of employers and alleviates the concerns of employers about hiring female employees, which is of great significance to eliminating gender discrimination in employment.

At present, all women's maternity medical expenses are covered by corresponding policy arrangements, and they can enjoy benefits according to regulations by participating in the corresponding social insurance. Employed women participate in maternity insurance with their employers, and unemployed or flexibly employed women participate in basic medical insurance according to regulations, and the maternity medical expenses incurred can be reimbursed according to regulations, so as to achieve full coverage of the population covered by maternity medical expenses.

For the issue of maternity medical expenses for school-age students in colleges and universities, especially master's and doctoral students, the National Health Insurance Administration said that students can participate in resident medical insurance according to regulations, enjoy inclusive financial subsidies on the basis of individual contributions, and solve the problem of enjoying the treatment of childbirth-related medical expenses. In the next step, the National Health Insurance Administration will continue to do a good job in basic medical insurance and maternity insurance in accordance with the relevant decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, strengthen the protection of maternity medical expenses, reduce the burden of maternity medical expenses, and work with the Ministry of Education and other departments to do a good job in the insurance of school students, so as to better protect their medical security rights and interests, including maternity medical expenses.

Strengthen the rights and interests of medical care and maternity protection for flexibly employed persons

The National Health Insurance Administration said that it should strengthen the protection of the treatment of flexible employees. Maternity insurance covers employers and their employees, and flexible employees who do not have a fixed employer are not covered by maternity insurance. In order to actively adapt to the development of new forms of business and new economy, and better protect the medical and maternity security rights and interests of flexibly employed persons, it has been clarified that qualified localities can explore the simultaneous participation of flexibly employed persons who participate in basic medical insurance for employees to participate in maternity insurance, and guided some areas to carry out relevant explorations, and the overall effect is good. The National Health Insurance Administration will continue to guide local governments to accumulate practical experience on the basis of active exploration, and continue to improve policies and measures to better protect the medical and maternity protection rights and interests of flexibly employed persons. In the next step, the National Health Insurance Administration will guide local governments to do a solid job in maternity insurance and basic medical insurance, consolidate and expand the coverage of maternity insurance, strengthen the protection of maternity medical expenses, strengthen the financing and operation management of maternity insurance funds, enhance the function of system protection, and better protect the rights and interests of the insured in maternity and medical security.

Accelerate the compilation of various norms and guide all localities to include therapeutic assisted reproduction services in the scope of medical insurance payment

Regarding the inclusion of assisted reproduction and other related expenses in the scope of medical insurance payment, the National Health Insurance Administration said that some provinces have begun to include some assisted reproduction projects in the scope of medical insurance payment in their provinces. At the same time, it should also be noted that at present, the accessibility of assisted reproductive technology services is not high, the charging items and charging standards are not standardized, and there is still a certain gap between institutional management and the needs of the masses. In the next step, the National Health Insurance Administration will speed up the preparation of medical service price project specifications, improve the guidelines for the standardization of assisted reproduction and other discipline projects, and guide all localities to gradually incorporate the technically mature, safe and reliable, and cost-controllable therapeutic assisted reproductive services that can be undertaken by medical insurance into the scope of medical insurance payment, and strive to reduce the economic burden of infertility patients and families, and promote the long-term balanced development of the population.

(CCTV news client, CCTV reporter Zhang Ping, Zheng Yizhe)