Europe 1 SEASON 2023 - 202418h00, December 13, 2023

This week, Pierre-Marie Chapon welcomes Marguerite Noblecourt,'s Head of Partnerships, to discuss the crucial role of caregivers. In France, no less than 11 million people play the role of caregivers, a reality that can affect each of us at some point in our lives. Although it is not always easy to acknowledge, accompanying a person with a disability or a loss of autonomy related to age makes us caregivers.

Unfortunately, caregivers often tend to burn out, facing challenges on a daily basis. This is where comes in, offering free local referral to various solutions such as housing development, activation of rights, support for schooling, and assistance for carers. These solutions aim to allow families to get through these delicate situations in the most serene way possible.

Marguerite Noblecourt also highlights the recent release of a practical guide to respite. Respite is a resource that gives caregivers the opportunity to be replaced for a few hours to a few days, providing the opportunity to breathe and rest.