The police's evidence includes videos from, among other things, surveillance cameras, clips published on social media and news media.

Among the evidence, there are also many videos and pictures from the defendants' own mobile phones.

"I would like to say that what gives these people drive is that it has a huge impact on social media," says prosecutor Henrik Nordquist.

Spread on social media

Their own videos show how the defendants fill PET bottles with gasoline. Later, they film themselves pouring gasoline and setting fire to a building belonging to a kindergarten. The defendants have also saved pictures from various media and then tagged themselves or friends in the pictures.

Videos showing the events at Värnhem and Rosengård were widely spread on Tiktok, among other places.

The seven young men and boys are charged with, among other things, aggravated blue light sabotage and arson.

Some deny wrongdoing, while others confess.