Ophélie Artaud / Photo credit: Patrick Batard / Hans Lucas / Hans Lucas via AFP 12:45 p.m., December 11, 2023

Traffic was difficult this Monday morning in several cities of France, due to a taxi strike and several snail operations. This is due to the introduction of health carpooling. In all, more than 1,000 kilometers of traffic jams were recorded at around 9 a.m.

In several cities in France, traffic is very difficult this Monday morning. At issue: a taxi strike, called by the National Union of Taxis, which denounce the inclusion of medical carpooling in the 2024 Security Financing Bill (PLFSS). Article 30 of the PLFSS provides that if a patient refuses to share a taxi or medical vehicle with another patient when his or her state of health allows it, the reimbursement of transport costs will be reduced.

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According to the government, this measure has saved 34 million euros in health insurance expenses. It would also improve transport needs and reduce the ecological footprint, Le Figaro explains.

Why are taxis protesting?

Taxis, on the other hand, fear that patient transport conditions will deteriorate, as the driver will have to pick up different patients from different locations, which could increase waiting times or force them to make detours. Also, the reservation system, which should be done via a platform, worries taxi drivers, who are afraid of being at a disadvantage compared to health companies, explains Le Parisien.

Which cities are affected by traffic problems?

Traffic was difficult in several major French cities this morning. Actions are underway in Lille and Hauts-de-France, with snail operations throughout the region. Avignon, Toulouse, Bayonne, Bordeaux, Paris, Pau, Caen, Lyon... were also affected by disruptions.

The situation has also been particularly complicated in Marseille, where more than 700 taxis are on strike on Monday. A snail operation took place in many districts of the Phocaean city.

Bison Futé had more than 1,000 kilometers of traffic jams on Monday morning at 9 a.m.