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Video duration 31 minutes 04 seconds 31:04

With the onset of the winter season, doctors are urging to receive the flu vaccine, especially before traveling on vacation; what is the importance of the vaccine? And how long does it take to provide protection?

Hamad Medical Corporation in Qatar said in a statement that the flu vaccine contributes to protecting individuals from the potential severe effects of influenza, reducing the risk of its spread, and contributing to immunizing the wider community.

Dr. Mona Al Muslimani, Medical Director of Hamad General Hospital and CEO of the Communicable Disease Center, said it takes time to build immunity against influenza.

"It's important to keep in mind that the flu vaccine needs two weeks to provide full protection. By getting vaccinated before the winter break, individuals ensure their immunity with the best defense against contracting the flu when they travel.

The flu vaccine provides an important layer of protection against the disease and reduces the chances of getting sick while traveling.

"We advise everyone, regardless of age or health status, to get a shot against influenza as soon as possible, as by doing so, individuals not only protect themselves, but also contribute to the public health and the health of their communities," she said.

Safety of the flu vaccine

Everyone 6 months of age and older should get the flu vaccine, especially high-risk groups, such as pregnant women, people over the age of 50, people with chronic diseases and children.

Dr. Mona Al Maslamani stressed the safety of the influenza vaccine, which is thoroughly tested for effectiveness and safety by global health authorities.

"The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and the World Health Organization consistently emphasize the safety of the flu vaccine. The flu vaccine has been given for decades and protects millions of people around the world. The vaccine's long history of safe use underscores its reliability and the confidence that health experts place in its ability to prevent influenza."

Source : Al Jazeera