The scare of Juan Ortega, a fine Sevillian bullfighter, is what Concha Piquer called "a charraná", which looks worse on a bullfighter than on a councillor. There is no precedent for almost 500 guests, and in Jerez no less, they were left without a wedding shortly before the event. The right-hander, for the sinister bride, has been lucky that Juan del Val, friend and guest, will say a pious version of this way of "taking the olive tree" to the divine starring the bullfighter. But the facts are what they are, and the gossip will last no less than ten years, and in Jerez, a lifetime. To sum it up in the style of Diana, Princess of Wales, "there were three of us at my wedding." And here, four of them, the bride and groom, the father-in-law, and the famous priest, a new iron, but very dangerous.

Juan del Val was among the guests. GTRES

When the mother-in-law is the father-in-law and his principles

Traditionally, weddings are the omnipresence of the mother-in-law or mothers-in-law, who compete for a year to make the wedding abhorrent. In this case, according to some whatsapp of obvious bullfighting origin, which Ana Rosa toreril, the father-in-law reproached her that if she loved his daughter so much she could have married earlier, because they are both very Catholic but they had been living together for a year. The bullfighter replied that they were getting married, as they wanted and where they wanted, not to complain about it. That foreshadowed the storm that did indeed come. But the day before, the bride and groom were dancing and having a good time with a portion of guests, that is to say, the problem was not them but the circumstance, or rather, the circumstance. And then Tamara Falcó's priest enters the scene.

Guests at the doors of the church. GTRES

The Famous Priest Who Married Tamara and Unmarried Ortega

LOC has uncovered the identity of the "celebrity priest" who, two hours before the wedding, received the confidence of the groom saying that he doubted. And it is said that the priest told her that, in that case, she should not marry. Here the melon of popular debate has been opened: it is better that you have not married to separate in two days or get married, in two months you separate and do not make a fool of the bride, apparently very close to Don Circumstantio, that is, to his father, and to the natural fact of getting married as soon as possible. To me, online rosaries and pilgrimages to Medjugorje sound like an end-of-year trip and morning-after pill, but very Catholic, I don't think so. It's not what I was taught.

Ortega, dressed in lights. GTRES

And what will the 'scare' do now in the square?

A few months ago, Ortega starred in an advertising campaign about his season, which has not been a big deal, with ads on buses and cocktails for influencers, something rare in bulls where campaigns are done by the tasks and not the ads. Now, the bell is tremendous, but where will the audience explode? He starts his season in Valdemorillo, where he triumphed last year with a bull from Vázquez, and it's freezing cold. There may be more journalists than amateurs. If, in the end, the bride and groom haven't returned and get married civilly and secretly, that would be the end of it. I suspect that this Christmas could be the one of reconciliation. Without Don Circumstancio or the famous priest, of course. How fun it all is.

  • Articles Federico Jiménez Losantos