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Video duration 24 minutes 19 seconds 24:19

Military and strategic expert Maj. Gen. Fayez al-Duwairi said that the scenes of the charring of the tank displayed by the al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), in the Shujaiya neighborhood, east of Gaza City, indicate that the "Yassin 105" shell hit the tank tower accurately and detonated its ammunition.

During his military analysis of Al-Jazeera, al-Duwairi explained that the targeting was from an upper area, which gave the missile carrier and shooter an ideal opportunity to hit the tank tower, after the line of sight became open without obstacles.

Targeting from above inevitably means fatal casualties after the shell penetrated the tank tower, he said, noting that the burning scenes that resulted from the strike came as a result of the shell entering the turret and detonating the munitions it carries, not the impact of the shell itself.

The tank's ammunition contains permeable, phosphorous and ordinary bombs, he said, reiterating that the explosion was caused by the explosion of the munitions carried by the tank inside the frame of the tower.

Regarding the significance of a Qassam member's talk about the "charring" of the tank, the military expert confirmed that the Israeli tank in the current battle inevitably carries 10 soldiers, "and certainly everyone inside was killed," which raises questions about the accuracy of the casualty figures announced by the occupation, which are many times lower than reality.

Qassam fighters are differentiating between targets, he said, citing the sight of one of them allowing a bulldozer to pass in anti-tank waiting for the "dangerous and fat target", referring to a tank that was later hit by an anti-armor shell.

He praised the way Qassam operatives work together, with one firing al-Yassin shell and two others waiting if soldiers dismount from the tank and then finish them off if the first hit is not fatal.

He ruled out the occupation bearing the casualties in the ranks of its army and said that the bill for costs is higher than the prisoners it is trying to recover from the grip of the resistance after the operation "Al-Aqsa flood".

He praised the Qassam Shujaiya battalion, saying that it is a special historical case with a long record, stressing that the losses in the ranks of the occupation army in this area will be heavy, as happened in Juhr al-Dik east of the central region and Beit Hanoun in the northern Gaza Strip.

Source : Al Jazeera