, Dubai, December 12 -- The side event of "China's Policies and Actions on Climate Change" at the 3th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP28) was held in Dubai on November 28. Jia Qiumiao, deputy director of the Beijing Municipal Center for Climate Change Management, said at the meeting that Beijing will further explore new ways to reduce pollution and carbon emissions, and continue to make efforts in addressing climate change legislation, promoting collaborative policy innovation, and guiding public participation, so as to build a harmonious and livable beautiful Beijing.

Jia Qiumiao said that in recent years, Beijing has formulated and implemented a green Beijing development strategy to promote the synergy of pollution reduction and carbon reduction, and the total carbon emissions are in a stable plateau while making a historic breakthrough in environmental quality improvement.

Jia Qiumiao introduced that Beijing's main ways to promote the synergy of pollution reduction and carbon reduction are: first, optimize and adjust the industrial structure, vigorously develop high-tech industries with low energy consumption and low emissions, and promote the development of green industries such as new energy vehicles, energy storage, and hydrogen energy; Second, we will continue to promote the clean and efficient use of energy, reduce the proportion of total coal consumption to 1%, and accelerate the development of renewable energy such as photovoltaic and geothermal; The third is to do a good job in policy coordination, give fiscal and financial policy support to advanced and excellent low-carbon pilot projects, give full play to the role of carbon market constraints and incentives, and stimulate the endogenous power of enterprises to reduce emissions.

It is reported that the side event was hosted by the Policy Research Center for Environment and Economy of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the Beijing Representative Office of the Natural Resources Defense Council (USA), and the Beijing Representative Office of the Environmental Defense Fund, and co-organized by the Sino-US Joint Research Center for Environmental Policy. (ENDS)