Alexandre Dalifard 06:00 am, December 02, 2023

The week of November 27, 2023 was marked by a rich news. Between the question of renaming schools in the name of Samuel Paty, anti-smoking measures, the 2027 presidential election or even Brigitte Bardot, the show "Pascal Praud et vous" was hosted with the presence of many guests and listeners. Listen to the excerpts again. You can react at

In the program Pascal Praud et vous, the listeners wanted to react to the renaming of schools in the name of Professor Samuel Paty. But the week of November 27 was not simply marked by this news. In its new anti-smoking plan, several measures have been announced by the government, such as increasing the price of a pack of cigarettes or even banning smoking in public places. These announcements provoked a reaction from Pascal Praud as well as from the National Assembly with MP Caroline Fiat. (Re)discover the highlights of the week.

Renaming schools Samuel-Paty? "It's like memory folklore," criticizes one teacher

Three years after Samuel Paty's assassination, no school, not even the one where the history and geography teacher worked, bears the teacher's name. On Monday, at the microphone of Laurence Ferrari, Charles, a professor from Montpellier, wanted to express himself on the subject. According to him, renaming schools in the name of Samuel Paty would be "memory folklore". "We want to act on the symbol because it doesn't commit to anything, or not much," he said.

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Cigarette price hike: 'I'd like to see it double and double', says former smoker

According to the new anti-smoking plan, presented last Tuesday by Health Minister Aurélien Rousseau, the price of a pack of cigarettes will rise to 12 euros in 2025 and 13 euros in 2026. An announcement that does not delight French smokers. On the other hand, for Olivier, a listener of Europe 1 who has quit smoking, it is a satisfaction. "I'm going even further, I'd like it to double and double again," he admits to Laurence Ferrari.

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Presidential election 2027: in the event of an RN victory, the first measure will be "a referendum on immigration", says Bardella

Four years before the next presidential election, scheduled for 2027, the National Rally is preparing its programme. For the occasion, Jordan Bardella, the president of the RN, was the guest on Wednesday of the program Pascal Praud et vous. On stage, the 28-year-old politician assures that, in the event of a victory for his party, the first measure taken will be a referendum on immigration. The MEP specifies that this text would include "national priority, social assistance reserved for French families, the abolition of the right of the soil, the systematic expulsion of foreign delinquents and criminals".

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Brigitte Bardot reacts to the letter she wrote to the government about the conviction of a couple for taking in two wild boars

Brigitte Bardot, once again to the rescue of animals. On Thursday, the actress was the guest of Pascal Praud and you to discuss the conviction by the courts of a couple who had taken in and raised two wild boars whose mother had been killed during a hunting trip. In an open letter addressed to the Minister of Ecology, she demanded that the two wild boars be returned to the couple. Brigitte Bardot asked the government for "a burst of empathy, intelligence and benevolence" and promised the couple to do everything possible to return the wild boars to them.

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Borne's vaping at the Assembly: "How to make the French understand that they shouldn't smoke in parks", says Caroline Fiat indignantly

This week, the Minister of Health announced several measures in the government's anti-smoking program, including a ban on smoking in parks. On Thursday evening, a day after these announcements, Caroline Fiat took over Elisabeth Borne in the National Assembly. The LFI MP asked the head of government not to vape in the hemicycle. As a guest on the show Pascal Praud et vous, she says that "the French no longer have confidence in politics". "How are you going to make the French understand that they should no longer smoke in parks if the person who is at the head of the government vapes in a hemicycle?" the MP asked.

Listen to the excerpt again:

Bonus: "Fidelity is absolutely unnatural," says a sexologist

Does love really last three years as Frédéric Beigbeder says? Is Man made to be faithful? According to couples therapist and sexologist Thérèse Hargot, a guest on the show Pascal Praud et vous, "fidelity is absolutely not natural". "It's not at all innate to be faithful to the same person," she told Europe 1 radio. For her, loyalty is a matter of commitments and choices to be put in place to achieve it. "Love is made and unmade by changing feelings," says the specialist.

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