Recently, it was discovered that the municipal manager, who was employed in Perstorp, is suspected of having embezzled money by signing payments to his private account. The payments are said to have been made from several municipalities where the woman had assignments and are a total of several million from Perstorp, Klippan, Bjuv and Åstorp.

When the fraud was revealed, the manager had to leave his job immediately.

Also Hässleholm

The municipal manager came to Perstorp from a position in Hässleholm. The person who employed her in Perstorp three years ago was the then municipal director Ulf Bengtsson – who today is the municipal director in Hässleholm, where they have now also gone through her payments and found three where the money went to relatives.

In total, it is about SEK 300,000, as P4 Malmöhus was the first to report. The frauds have been reported to the police, as in the other municipalities.

Came unexpectedly

"I'm both disappointed and sad, this came as a bolt from the blue. We had no reason to question her merits, neither in Perstorp nor here, says Ulf Bengtsson to SVT Helsingborg.

SVT Nyheter Helsingborg searches for the suspect woman in vain.

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Listen to the mayor of Perstorp talk about how the suspected fraud was discovered. Photo: Erik Ragnar Danielsson