• Who is José María Bisbal, the brother of David Bisbal, who was his manager after leaving OT
  • David Bisbal's brother hospitalized, hospitalized after being located after 30 hours missing

José María Bisbal, David Bisbal's brother, has made a high-profile comeback in the media after his alarming disappearance last April. An event that, at the time, set off all the alarm bells. José María was found in Roquetas de Mar and later hospitalized. Since then, it has not been known what had happened or what state he was in. A brief message from David Bisbal served to reassure the public: "This has been a moment of maximum tension for our entire family, thank you for the concern and the expressions of affection." He also clarified that his brother was "hospitalized but stable."

Seven months have passed since that moment and José María has once again become the headline due to the important turn that his life has experienced. It was David's own brother who wanted to tell us about his current state of health. Speaking to the Informalia portal, Bisbal explained: "I have recently been discharged from the magnificent hospital where I have been admitted for almost five months due to a spinal cord injury." An information accompanied by an image of him in which he appears in a wheelchair, after his passage through the Paraplegic Hospital of Toledo, as reported in said media.

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David Bisbal: "Unfortunately my father is not able to recognize any member of the family today"

  • Written by: ANA GARCÍA ROMERO Sevilla

David Bisbal: "Unfortunately my father is not able to recognize any member of the family today"

Far from sending a negative message about the upheaval that his life has suffered, José María has surprised locals and strangers by detailing the details of a present that for many would be a great stumbling block: "I am in a wheelchair, I have been taught to live with it, because it is not only about the daily rehabilitation of your injury, but they teach you how to dress yourself, how to go from the chair to the bed and vice versa, how to get on and off stretchers, get in and out of the car," said the Almeria-born driver.

In addition, the brother of the Bulería singer confirmed that he had gone through a "severe depression" since, as he said, "this is a difficult injury to accept". An acceptance that she has achieved through hard work and effort, reaching the most important conclusion: "Once I was accepted and assimilated, I decided to move forward!" Happy and "looking forward to enjoying life", José, as he is called by those close to him, ended his story by confirming that "you can live like this, in fact, I am living like this and I am completely self-sufficient. I don't need anyone's help."