It was in mid-September that five high school students from Karlskrona were traveling in the car, which for unknown reasons drove off the road outside Allatorp.

The car went down a steep slope and flipped into a field. An 18-year-old passenger died at the scene. The other four were taken by ambulance to hospital with minor injuries.

'Evidentiary problem'

The fatal accident has been investigated by the police and prosecutors. Among other things, it has been about whether the driver may have been guilty of causing another's death in connection with the accident.

On Thursday, it was announced that prosecutors had decided to close the investigation, something that BLT was the first to report on.

- There is a problem of evidence, it is the prosecutor who has closed it, says police Johan Berntsson to SVT Nyheter Blekinge.

SVT reached out to prosecutor Lena-Marie Bergström for a comment.