"Before this incident, they were two ordinary young women who lived a completely ordinary life," says Gunilla Karlsson.

She interrogated the older, now 21-year-old, woman just days after she was arrested.

"They've both been talking to us all the time. What they have told us has changed over time, but they have talked to us.

"The 20-year-old had some story that someone had taken her phone for a few hours during the night, as it was in the woods where we found Tove's body," says Lennart Ingvarsson.

In the clip, you can hear, among other things, how the 21-year-old reacted when the younger woman told the police that she had not been involved in the murder.

Forensic scientist Andreas Kristensson was at the police station in Eksjö to examine the elderly woman's car when the news came that Tove's body had been found.

In the documentary In the Wake of Crime: The Tove Case, he talks about the new technology that allowed them to find the location.