Israel's War Council during a press conference Saturday evening (Al Jazeera)

The Israeli War Council announced at a press conference on Saturday evening the transition to the second phase of ground operations in Gaza, and confirmed its continuation until what they described as "achieving victory and returning the kidnapped."

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said they were committed to continuing the war until "a decisive victory is achieved to eliminate Hamas," "repatriate the kidnapped," and "ensure that Gaza does not pose a threat to Israel."

Netanyahu called for popular and political support in order to achieve these goals, adding that the United States and the world are exerting "great pressure, but we are repelling it and we will continue the war," stressing that they are making great political efforts at the international level, "to secure a margin of freedom of movement in this war, which will be long."

The Israeli prime minister denied that a deal was on the table so far, saying they were making every effort to return the largest number of abductees.

He said that "it is not possible to establish a civilian administration in Gaza that supports and pays for terrorism," and that 43 days later, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) still refuses to condemn what happened yesterday.

Hamas is playing with the feelings of the Israelis

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Galant said his forces had moved into the second phase of ground operations in Gaza, and that with each passing day there were fewer places for Hamas to move on the western side of Gaza City.

He added that Hamas plays with the feelings of families and the Israeli public, and that it understands only the language of force.

He stressed that Israel's war on Hamas is "an all-out war, and this includes the members, and there is no difference between a terrorist with a Kalashnikov and another with a suit."

He stressed that the focus should be on "the goals of winning the war and returning the kidnapped, and I do not want to deal with other things."

The priority is the return of the kidnapped

Benny Gantz, a member of Israel's War Council, said the war would continue with great force, after which there would be peace and security.

He noted that Israel would not run the Gaza Strip after the war, and that Hamas would not run it either, he said.

"I met with the families of the kidnapped today, and all of us as a war council and everyone are doing what is necessary to return the kidnapped," he said, stressing that the priority, for his part, is to return those he described as "kidnapped."

Source : Al Jazeera